News Archive 2017

Culture and nature in the castle of Serralunga for the European Days of Patrimony
Saturday 23rd and Saturday 24th September in the castle, open to the visits, the possibility to venture with the contest...
Famiglie al Castello di Serralunga
Giovedì 7 settembre la visita speciale al maniero di Langa per grandi e bambini.

I vini della Strada del Barolo alla Fiera della Patata di Entracque
Un gemellaggio tra le Langhe e le Alpi Marittime all’insegna delle tradizioni e dell’enogastronomia, con l’obietti...

Serralunga is also a “secret castle”
July 26th and August 23rd: evening visits to Langa manor, opening unpublished spaces usually excluded from the visit.

Closing office for holidays
Our offices will be closed for holidays from August 14th to 18th. We'll be back on Monday, August 21st.

“Cheese under the stars” in Bossolasco, with the wines of the Strada del Barolo
The thirteenth edition of “Cheese under the stars” tasting in Bossolasco (CN) will take place on Saturday, July 22nd...

Prosit! At Serralunga Castle
Friday, July 21st: Barolo toast, between history and tradition.

At Roddi Castle children discover the truffle secrets
On Sunday, July 30th the Roddi Castle gardens are open for the first time, in order to welcome the youngest, for a didac...